
How To Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally and Safely

In the male and female body, there are male hormones, called androgens, although in women in insignificant numbers. The main androgen in men is testosterone which is the key to male energy, strength and also mood, and well-being. For women, the main female sex hormone is estrogen, which is responsible for the proper development and maintenance of the female body.

Testosterone, as the primary male sex hormone has various functions, such as keeping mass, strengthening bones, and strengthing the muscles in guys. It’s also in charge of developing male features that are specified within the body of the man. For example, high sex drive and potency, fat distribution within the body, development of muscles, and the creation of sperm and growth.

However, after the age of 30, testosterone levels in men are gradually decreasing by about 1% per year.  This is a natural physiological process. The rate of decline depends on factors such as stress, bad habits in eating, obesity, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

But there is also good news. Men can increase testosterone levels naturally and safely by eating healthy foods and regularly engaging in physical training and simply adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

The Proven Ways to Increasing Testosterone in Men

Getting Rid of Excess Weight

Studies conducted by specialists showed that in the blood of men who are overweight, free testosterone is much lower than normal. This factor is completely explained by the fact that fatty tissue is able to independently produce estrogens – female sex hormones, which are enemies of testosterone. In addition, its own testosterone when interacting with the fat tissue is also converted into estrogen.

How do increase the level of testosterone in men who are overweight? There is only one way out. It consists of getting rid of a heavy burden. A very low-calorie diet, on the other hand, can have the exact opposite effect. Processed sugar and fructose, in particular, should be eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight and for the body to manufacture the necessary amount of male sex hormones.

All of the food ingested must be high in protein and vitamins. Complex carbs, such as pasta, are also preferable to wheat goods. Cereals, honey, and fruits are all good sources of carbs.

It’s critical to stick to a diet, prevent overeating, and eat immediately before bedtime.

Eat Healthy Fats

Eat a diet that contains the optimum amount of monounsaturated and saturated fats. As stated products with higher levels of monounsaturated and saturated fats successfully increase testosterone levels. Here are some foods that contain monounsaturated fats: olive and olive oil, nuts, almonds, avocados, and peanut butter. Foods containing saturated fats, red meat, coconuts and coconut oil, egg yolks, cheese, and dark chocolate. A proper diet is about 50-70 percent of healthy fats. However, most of these products must be consumed in moderate amounts, since they can raise cholesterol levels in the body.

Increase the Intake of Zinc
Zinc is a mineral that is very important and necessary for the production of testosterone. The researchers found that when zinc levels are increased, accordingly increase the level of testosterone. Many adults suffer from insufficient levels of zinc. It is estimated that 45% of adult men use less zinc than their body needs. However, this problem can be easily remedied, as there are certain foods that contain the necessary amount of zinc: kefir, yogurt, beans, raw cheese, and raw milk.

Seafood such as sea fish, including salmon and trout, mackerel, flounder, and anchovies as well as shrimp, oysters, and crabs are an excellent source of zinc and selenium. All seafood contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are constituents of male sex hormones. Zinc and selenium increase the amount of seminal fluid, while simultaneously increasing the activity of spermatozoa. In addition, these substances block the synthesis of estrogens, enhancing the production of testosterone.

Protein Products

Many doctors recommend replacing meat with fish, because, in their opinion, this protein is more useful than protein of animal origin, due to the lack of cholesterol. The use of fish cannot be denied, but only the protein of animal origin is able to induce the production of testosterone.

It is known that testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol. And although high cholesterol does not benefit the body, men should eat more meat and eggs. In addition, meat is a favorite men’s food. However, for these purposes, it is recommended to purchase environmentally friendly meat, since when growing animals on an industrial scale, hormones that increase their growth are used.

Seeds and Nuts are Natural Aphrodisiacs

Vegetable lipids, as well as vitamins E and D, are plentiful in these items. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent testicular cancers. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and bone tissue strength. This chemical also counteracts estrogen’s effects.

In addition, seeds and nuts are a very nutritious food, helping to restore a breakdown and relieve the feeling of fatigue. For eating, you need to choose the following products:

cedar and walnuts, hazelnut, pistachios, peanut, almond, seeds of sunflower, and pumpkin.

Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels in the Body

Vitamin D plays an important role in the healthy development of the nucleus of sperm cells and helps improve the quality of semen and sperm count. Maintaining a high level of vitamin D helps produce testosterone by 20% more. Therefore, it is recommended to men spend some time, from 15 to 30 minutes, indirect sunlight (if the skin is healthy), because sunlight is one of the main sources of this vitamin.

Spices are the Enemies Of Estrogen

Men must incorporate spices into their diet to avoid excessive estrogen production. Cardamom, curry, and turmeric are a few examples.


Perhaps, in itself, the word “starvation” can disillusion most men. However, in this case, it is a question of intermittent fasting, consisting of periodic abstinence from eating food and drinks, except water.

The abstinence can last anywhere from 16 hours to 2-3 days. The body gets cleansed and revitalized during this period. And the condition improves after 2-3 months of regular intermittent fasting, as the hormone balance in the man’s body is totally restored during this period, and testosterone levels rise by 2-3 times, comparable to a healthy young organism.

Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle eventually turns a man only into his likeness, making his body flabby. A man, on the other hand, represented strength and endurance at all times. Therefore, the most effective way to increase the number of sex hormones is regular exercise for the production of testosterone.

The greatest effect can be achieved by performing strength exercises, during which the large muscles of the back, legs, and hands develop. Training should be intense, but short. Their length should not exceed one hour; otherwise, the body will feel stress, worsening rather than relieving the illness. And stress, in turn, leads to the development of cortisol – a testosterone antagonist, which is very harmful to potency.

Exercise with Weights

Squats and weight exercises. Follow these two very important types of exercises to quickly and effectively build muscle mass. This will help in building muscle and increasing hormones in the body. These exercises are useful because they involve multiple muscle groups for the exercise purpose.

Try a Short-Term Fasting and Intense Exercise

Both of these conditions will help to raise the level of testosterone, and non-durable intense exercise prevents its decline. Here is an example of such exercises:
• Three-minute warm-up;
• The maximum intensity exercise for 30 seconds must be met in full.
• Reduce the pace and intensity of the exercise by about 90 seconds.
• Repeat the exercise intensity and recreation 7 times.
Thus, the entire workout takes only 20 minutes! And most of these 20 minutes – warm-up and rest, intense exercise occupy only 4 minutes.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

If you want to avoid not only reducing the level of male hormones but also reducing sex drive, then you need to reduce alcohol consumption. Excessive amounts of alcohol consumption affect many body functions, including reduced libido individual.

For example, the composition of beer contains an analog of the estrogen-female sex hormone. And, while this drink may be beneficial to women in tiny doses, it causes irreversible injury to men’s bodies. It’s not for nothing that men who prefer to spend time in the company of friends for a bottle of beer, eventually acquire a characteristic tummy and breast enlargement (Gynecomastia).

The only drink that raises the testosterone level is red wine. However, the wine should be natural and dry.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Under the influence of stress, the body begins to actively develop the so-called stress hormone cortisol, which begins to block the effects of testosterone. If the lock is observed for a long time, ie, under the influence of chronic stress, it is bad for men’s health. There are many ways to prevent stress or reduce its impact. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, or qigong. These actions can reduce stress and help you sleep better.

Practice Regular Sex

Testosterone and potency are inseparable companions. Regular sex helps to increase the level of production of androgen hormones in your body. And, despite the fact that the sexual act itself has no direct effect on the production of testosterone, it has been proved that the amount of the hormone can significantly drop after six days of sexual abstinence. From this, it can be concluded that regular sex allows for maintaining a normal level of androgenic hormones naturally in men.

Normalization of Sleep

According to studies, the body creates the majority of sex hormones only during deep sleep, and if you don’t get enough sleep, all of your efforts to enhance testosterone would be futile. Healthy sleep for most people should last about 7-8 hours, but the main criterion for the duration of healthy sleep – is a good feeling and cheerfulness after waking up. It is critical to sleep in full silence and darkness in order to enhance testosterone production.

These are the main methods for naturally and healthily increasing testosterone levels without the use of pills.

The Sun, Air, and Water are the Best Healers

Sunlight contributes to the formation in the body of vitamin D, which, as already mentioned above, helps absorb calcium, and the development of a hormone of joy, helping to get rid of the effects of stress.

Walking in the fresh air under the sun, swimming in the sea, the river, or the pool bring pleasure and soothes the nervous system. All this has the most positive effect on the health of men.

Taking Natural Testosterone Boosters

Today’s market has a wide range of testosterone supplements for increasing muscle mass and improving libido. Many of them belong to a category of supplements marketed as boosters for the production of male sex hormones. Not all of them, however, are created with natural substances.

First and foremost, supplements that naturally enhance testosterone levels must be chosen. It’s also a good idea to see whether there are any favorable testimonials from males who have used these products.

Benefits of High Androgenic Hormone Levels in Men

Having high testosterone levels is terribly useful for men. Men with a high amount of androgenic hormone will have a high and a lot of intense sexual expertise.

Bodybuilders who have high levels of this endocrine will get quicker body mass gain. In addition, elevated testosterone levels will additionally facilitate a man to be in an exceedingly general state of health and therefore the improvement of the mind.

Thus, an increase in testosterone levels in natural ways is an important task to maintain a decent quality of life for men.

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